To our Campers, Staff, Family and Friends,
Welcome to Encore/Coda's photo sharing site! Here, you will find camp yearbooks back to 2012, bunk picture archives since 2004, and group picture archives dating all the way back to 1950, our founding year. A password, which we email to all families and staff members when each season's yearbook is ready, is required to access the YEARBOOKS. If you need it again, just let us know and weʼll be happy to send it to you.
You can browse the photos individually, or as slideshows within each folder, or download your favorite pics and build slideshows of your own with your favorite music—all great ways to remember good friends and good times at camp! If you do choose to download, please note that Zenfolio allows you to select multiple images to download all at the same time: from within a folder, click on the ʻselect photosʼ button in the top right corner of the screen and proceed from there.
As always, our thanks to all those who contributed photos to make this project possible. Bravo!
We hope you have fun exploring and experimenting with this gateway to summer memories. We wish you all a great year & hope to see you again at camp next summer!

—Cara & The E/C Team

Camp Encore/Coda Photo Galleries

The Full Score 2012

The Full Score 2012

The Full Score 2013

The Full Score 2014

The Full Score 2015

The Full Score 2016

The Full Score 2016

The Full Score 2017

The Full Score 2018

The Full Score 2018

The Full Score 2019

The Full Score 2021

The Full Score 2022

The Full Score 2022

The Full Score 2023

The Full Score 2023

Bunk and Group Photo Archives



Open Camp Encore/Coda Photo Galleries